Step 1: Register on the portal
1. Registration on this portal is mandatory.
2. Go to the URL and click on “Login” link in the top right corner.
3. Click on “Create new account” button.
4. Fill in the required details. In "Source from where you came to know about this competition", please select the corresponding source of Information. click on“Create my new account” button.
5. You will receive an email on your registered email address. Click on the link in your email to validate your registration. (Note: Please check junk/spam folder if you don't see the emailin your inbox. Wait for 5-10 min if you don't receive the email).
6. On clicking the link received in your email, your registration will be confirmed, and you will be logged in to the platform. Ifthe link is not active, please copy the link, and paste it to open in your browser.
7. Your verification will be completed, and you will be prompted to log in again.
8. Login to your account with the above URL using your LoginID and password set by you.
Step 2: Update your profile and picture
1. Go to the “Profile” section by clicking your initials on the top right corner.
2. Click on the “Edit Profile” button, and fill in all your details.
3. Also, set your recent family pic as a User picture, by dragging and dropping the picture in the specified location. Please note that the User picture must not be more than 2MB in size.
4. Click on the “Update profile” button.
Step 3: Take a Demo Test
1. Click on the “Home” page, click on the “Road Safety – Over 1 Courses” button under 'Quiz Competitions' Section.
2. Click on and then click on 'Enrol me' button in the Self enrolment (Student) section.
3. Now you will be enrolled for the quiz, and you can click onthe Demo Quiz1 to take the demo of the quiz.
Step 4: Take the Actual Quiz (as per the date your received )
1. Click on the “Home” page, click on the “Road Safety – Over 1Courses” button under 'Quiz Competitions' Section, and select the Road Safety Quiz.
2. Select the quiz applicable for your school
(i) For students from IDF-connected Educational Institutions, select “IDF-RSC - Road Safety Quiz for Students - 26-Jan-2025” from left pane
(ii) For all other students, please select "Road Safety Quiz for Nationwide Students" from left pane.
3. Click “Attempt quiz” button to start the quiz.